Self Care Check-In

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When you think about self care what things come to mind?

Perhaps a massage or manicure? Getting together with a friend for coffee? Taking a peaceful walk by the ocean?

While all of these things are considered self-care (and sound wonderful, right?), self-care can also be simple things we need to meet our basic daily needs and manage stress. Living with a demanding or chaotic lifestyle sometimes makes it difficult to slow down and listen to our bodies. Our bodies give us cues for things like hunger, thirst, and rest. Tuning into our internal cues can help us make sure we are caring for ourselves in a way that allows us to be healthy and have more peace of mind.

Here are some self care “check-in” questions to ask yourself every few hours:

How am I feeling?

Am I thirsty or hungry?

Am I tired?

Am I stressed?

Once you think about these things, make a plan to take care of yourself! If you need to eat a meal or snack, plan for how you will do this and when. Have a water bottle handy throughout the day and take frequent sips to stay hydrated. Are you feeling tired? Think about how much sleep you have been getting. Research shows most adults need 7-8 hours a night. If you aren't getting that amount, is there anything you can do to allow yourself more rest time? If you are stressed, what are some ways you can manage your stress? Something as easy as taking a couple of deep breaths or going outside for fresh air may help you. Turning on music that relaxes you or talking to a friend could be other ways to lower your stress.

Other ways to take care of yourself:

Engaging in a fun physical activity you enjoy
Wearing comfortable clothes
Finding things that make you laugh
Spending time with people who listen to you and support you
Prayer and meditation

How do you do self-care? Comment to share your thoughts and suggestions.

If you struggle with self care when it comes to eating well and taking care of your health, we'd love to help you on your journey! You can schedule an appointment with one of our registered dietitians at our Collingswood, NJ location or online. We offer sports nutrition counseling, medical nutrition counseling, eating disorder counseling and more. For a full list of our services click here, or schedule a free consultation to see what would be a good fit for you.

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